A study on the Activities of physical Education in the Korea Dynasty 인문 · 사회과학편 : 고려시대의 체육에 관한 연구
29(2) 7-18, 1990
A study on the Activities of physical Education in the Korea Dynasty 인문 · 사회과학편 : 고려시대의 체육에 관한 연구
in the korea Dynasty there were various systematic activities of physical education to defend it againist the invaders, which were the characteristics of the earlier old states, The activities of physical education in the korea Dynasty consited of both military and general one. Especially, the aspects of the activities of physical education in it between the early civeil and the later military administration were different. The aim of this study is to research the various activities of physical education in it and their were rolesand ideas by referring to sandry records, and find the changes between the early civil and the later military administration, and establish a deep and righ viewpoint about the activities of physical education in it. The results are the followings :
1. The activities of the early korea Dynasty were mainly a pure military education.
2. The activities of the later korea Dynasty were a chivalry showing power and authority.
3. The activities of general recreation were polo, double die, and tuho.
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A Basic Study on the Sports Activation for Aging People and the Plan for the Well-being Preparing for the Senescent Society 인문 · 사회과학편 : 고령화(高齡化) 사회(社會)를 대비한 노인체육(老人體育) 활성화(活性化) 및 복지정책(福祉政策) 수립을 위한 기초연구(基礎硏究)
A Basic Study on the Sports Activation for Aging People and the Plan for the Well-being Preparing for the Senescent Society 인문 · 사회과학편 : 고령화(高齡化) 사회(社會)를 대비한 노인체육(老人體育) 활성화(活性化) 및 복지정책(福祉政策) 수립을 위한 기초연구(基礎硏究)
The purpose of this study was to find out the sport activity for aging people and offer the plan for the well-being preparing for the senescent society. A total of 2353 subjects (male 1159, female 1194) were taken in this study.
The results are summarized as follows ;
1. The reaults of questionnaires and interviews
Most of aging people(58.8%) are participate in sports activity. The most popular spurts being porcticed are jogging and walking(84.4%) in man and walking and free exercises(78.2%) in female.
2. Consciousness and doing condition of sports
Most of aging people(77.7%) think that sports are in need of modern life. It is a help to train the body and solve the stress.
3. The results of health condition and simple-disease inspection
Health condition of subjective symptome is comparatively good(76.6%). The methods of maintaining the health and physical fitness are regular exercise(28.1%) and rest (31.3%). According to simple-disease inspection, an trouble of sight(45.6%), digestive organ(22.4%), and nervous system(14.7%) were detected.
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인문 · 사회과학편 : 궁도 선수의 기록향상을 위한 프로그램 구안에 관한 연구 (체력, 목, 허리(척추), 유연성, 시안, 정신력 운동을 중심으로)
김이식YiShikKim , 오지현JiHyeonOh , 정동군JongKunChung
29(2) 35-65, 1990
인문 · 사회과학편 : 궁도 선수의 기록향상을 위한 프로그램 구안에 관한 연구 (체력, 목, 허리(척추), 유연성, 시안, 정신력 운동을 중심으로)
김이식YiShikKim , 오지현JiHyeonOh , 정동군JongKunChung
The purposes of the study are to promote the improvent on the records of archery athletes, and to develop the discipline programs logically and systematically in order to keep the improved records with the subject of four archery athletes who attend national competitions and representative selection competitions by way of promoting physical strength and training a neck, the waist, pliability and the sight and mental exercises.
The results are ;
1. When the records which were obtained before applying discipline were compared with those which were obtained affer applying discipline, three of four athletes reached the level of national representatives and one of then reached the national level.
2. The physical strength was reinforced in order to attend the competitions held for long days and long hours, and the athletes felf a liffle fatigued by doing medical treatment and pliability exercises during the games.
3. The necks mobility decreased and the first sight by fast right sight was taken. Whe drawing, the forearm wasnt drawn back and the release was so soft and fast that the athletes could get self-confidence which was of much help to nevous stability.
4. By attending various athletic competitions the athletes won 6 competitional new records, two competitional tie records, gold medals, 11 siver medals, and 13 bronze medals.
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인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회화 주관자가 청소년의 여가 참여에 미치는 영향
29(2) 67-79, 1990
인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회화 주관자가 청소년의 여가 참여에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine empirically and systematically the influence of socialiing agents on the leisure participation among adolescents, based on social learning approach that leisure experience of an individual is determined by leisure dispositon of socializing agents and exposure to role models.
Data collected from a questionnaire designed for this study consisted of fixed-altinative choice response to item coinstructed to represent the operational definition for each variable. The inventory was administered to eight hundred and twenty one high school students. To data analysis, statistics employed this study were product-momentum correlation and stepwise muliple regression.
Based on the result of this study, the following conclusion appear warranted
1. Socializing agents influenced on the individual leisure activities were family, peer, and community, and peer was most influencial socializing agent.
2. Socializing agents influenced on the parallel leisure activities were family and peer, and peer was most influencial socializing agent.
3. Socializing agents influenced on the joint leisure activites were family, peer, school, and community, and community was most influencial socializing agent.
4. Socializing agents influenced on the behavioral leisure participation were family, peer, school, and community, and peer was most influencial socializing agent.
5. Socializing agents influenced on the affective leisure participation were family, peer, and community, and family was most influencial socializing agent.
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A Basic study on the Improvement of National Consciousness, Physical Fitness and Mental Health through the Daily Sports Activities 인문 · 사회과학편 : 생활(生活)스포츠활동(活動)을 통(通)한 국민의식(國民意識), 신체적성(身體適性) 및 정신건강(精神健康) 향상(向上)에 관(關)한 기초연구(基礎硏究)
A Basic study on the Improvement of National Consciousness, Physical Fitness and Mental Health through the Daily Sports Activities 인문 · 사회과학편 : 생활(生活)스포츠활동(活動)을 통(通)한 국민의식(國民意識), 신체적성(身體適性) 및 정신건강(精神健康) 향상(向上)에 관(關)한 기초연구(基礎硏究)
The purpose of this study was to find out the national consciousness, physical fitness and mental health of Pusan citzens. A total of 1.859 subjects (male 941, female 918) were taken in this sutdy.
The results are summarized as follows :
The most popular sports being practiced as of now are in the following order ; jogging, walking, and climbing for men(52.1%) and walking, jogging, and rhythmic exercises for women(60.1%) respectively. According to this study, they usually take exercises in the early morning and often use the school ground and public facilities to take exercises.
Most of them are taking exercises at least twice a month, but 39.2% of them do not at all. However, almost everybody feels that taking exercises is necessary for his health as well as helpful to develop social relations with others. Also, they have a good opinion of sportsmen or physical educators.
Finally, they insisted that the Korean physical policy be focussed on the promotion of daily sports activities and national health(62.8%). In order to accomplish this, they emphasized that we should build more sports facilities(39.8%), activate the daily sports activities(20.9%), and provide good physical education for the students.
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The Effect of Political Attitudes through Indirect Involvement of Sports 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포츠의 간접참여(間接參與)가 정치태도(政治態度)에 미치는 효과(效果)
29(2) 105-124, 1990
The Effect of Political Attitudes through Indirect Involvement of Sports 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포츠의 간접참여(間接參與)가 정치태도(政治態度)에 미치는 효과(效果)
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of indirect involvement of sports which could improve the desirable political attitudes.
For the purpose of this study, the selected subjects(N=307) were divided into two subgroups such as participants in indirect involvement of sports(N=150) and nonparticipant(N=157) out of the students of 6th grade of a primary school.
For this study, a-self-evaluation-reporting-questionnaire was organized, which was consisted of 20 items on 5 factors(Nation’s Identity : NI, Citizen’s obligation : CO, Political Efficacy : PE, Political Trust : PT, Political Participation : PP) of political attitudes (PA) .
Likert’s 5 point scale method was used to evaluate the data.
The data were treated with t-Test, ANOVA, and Multiple Classification Analysis at the .05 significant level.
The results were as follows :
1. It was indicated that participants in indirect involvement of sports showed higher evaluation than nonparticipants in political attitudes. Specially indirect involvement of sports induced the development of NI, CO and PE.
2. It was indicated that variables such as gender, residence and social class had the independent effect in ranks of residence (β=.19) indirect involvement of sports(β=.15), gender(β=.12), and social class(β=.06).
(1) The variable of residence had the greatest effect in NI, PT and PP, and the variable of gender had in CO, and the variable of indirect involvement of sports had in PE.
(2) With regard to gender, the boy students group showed higher evaluation than the girl students group in NI, PE and PA. However, the girl students group showed higher evaluation in CO.
(3) With regard to residence, the students in Pohang showed higher evaluation than the students in Seoul in NI, PT, PP and PA.
(4) With regard to social class, there would be no significant difference in political attitudes among upper, middle, and lower classes.
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The Effect of Tae Kwon Do education for I.Q. and the achievement for the elementary students. 인문 · 사회과학편 : 어린이 태권도 교육이 I.Q와 학업성적에 미치는 영향
29(2) 125-132, 1990
The Effect of Tae Kwon Do education for I.Q. and the achievement for the elementary students. 인문 · 사회과학편 : 어린이 태권도 교육이 I.Q와 학업성적에 미치는 영향
This investigation made a special study of at D middle school students who achivement the elementary schools 59 in Seoul, from 1987 to 1990. The subject of investigation is 3255 students at 60 classes. After we divided them into the achievement practice bogroup and Non-practice group(Being grade-holder or not) This compared with I.Q. and the achievement sheets of the term examinations.
Later we could acquire the conclusion.
1. In the comparison of average I.Q. per one, practice group is 1.5 times at high as Non-practice group.
2. In the comparison of I. Q. through group, the genius (over 150 I.Q.) had more practice group than Non-practice group about two times persent. But the normal (under 99 I.Q) had less practice group than Non-practice group about equal times persent.
3. In the comparison of average grade per one practice group is 3.67 mark as high as Non-practice bodies.
4. In comparison through group, high class (over 90 mark) had more practice group than Non-practice group about 47.14%, but normal class (under 69 mark) had more Nor-practice group than practice group about 27.59%.
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The Effect of Variability of Practice on Learning Serial Movements 인문 · 사회과학편 : 연습 방법의 다양성이 연쇄동작의 학습에 미치는 영향
29(2) 133-144, 1990
The Effect of Variability of Practice on Learning Serial Movements 인문 · 사회과학편 : 연습 방법의 다양성이 연쇄동작의 학습에 미치는 영향
The majore prediction of schema theory is that variability of practice is a significant factor which affect rule learning, and that more variable practice with knowledge of results facilitate learning more as compared to less variable(e.g., constant) practice.
The present experiment examined the relative effectiveness of three different practice scheduler on learning three sequences of serial motor task, i.e., by comparing the blocked, serial, random practice schedules in transfer disign. The tasks of study were three serial key pressing tasks each consisting of nine numbers.
Subjects were asked to practice the whole sequence 90 times in different schedules with a view to completing the sequential key pressings as fast and accurately as possible. Movement time(MT) as well as movement accuracy (in keying error) were recorded as a function of practice schedules and blocks of practice.
Two-way ANOVA with repeated measures on trial revealed the following results :
1. In the practice phase, movement time was not influenced by conditions of blocked, serial, and random practice, but significantly decreased as a function of practice(i.e., blocks) trials.
2. In the subsequent transfer tests, movement time was, again, not significantly among conditions of blocked, serial, and random practice groups.
3. However, serial practice group showed the best performances in both practice and transfer stage.
4. movement accuracy was not influenced by the different schedules of blocked, serial, arid random practice, but was influenced significantly by the incresae of practice trials.
5. In transfer tests, movement accuracy was not significantly different between conditions and trials. Again, serial practice group showed perfect accuracy on the latter half of practice period.
In total the results were not completely congruent with previous findings in support of practice variability hypothesis. Rather, the date suggested that the practice variability effect may be a function of the nature(e.g., discrete, serial, or continuous) of the task to be learned.
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Influence of Practice Schedule Complexity on Motor Skill Learning 인문 · 사회과학편 : 연습 Schedule의 복잡성이 운동 기술의 학습에 미치는 영향
김덕경DukKyungKim , 장인성InSungJang
29(2) 145-152, 1990
Influence of Practice Schedule Complexity on Motor Skill Learning 인문 · 사회과학편 : 연습 Schedule의 복잡성이 운동 기술의 학습에 미치는 영향
김덕경DukKyungKim , 장인성InSungJang
The present experiment extends the finding of Shea and Morgan (1979) and Lee and Magill (1983, 1985) by determining contextual interference in 64 acquisition trials and transfer of a rapid movement skill task assessed under five groups ; blocked, random, blocked-random, random-blocked and serial group. Acquisition performance was inferior for the random acquistion group as compared to the other groups. However, the transfer phase data indicated that random acquisition trial group performed better on transfer performance under blocked contexts. Apparently, the benefits of blocked practice (low contextual interference) occur early in practice with response becoming, increasingly more ligid and inflexible. On the other hand, the benefits of practice (high contextual interference) surface late in practice.
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The Study of Correlations of Attentional Styles With Competition Anxiety and Reaction Time on Open and Closed Skills 인문 · 사회과학편 : 운동기능유형별 주의집중형태와 경쟁불안 및 반응시간에 관한 상관연구
김시덕SiDuckKim , 김진환JinHwanKim
29(2) 153-161, 1990
The Study of Correlations of Attentional Styles With Competition Anxiety and Reaction Time on Open and Closed Skills 인문 · 사회과학편 : 운동기능유형별 주의집중형태와 경쟁불안 및 반응시간에 관한 상관연구
김시덕SiDuckKim , 김진환JinHwanKim
Different Sport events which are classified as different types of motor skill (closed vs. open skill) demands different attentional style, competition anxiety level response pattern and many studies have shown that these three elements are closely related to each other. This study examined relationship between different types of motor skills and those three element measured above by employing two different types of sport event (tennis and golf) which represent open skill and closed skill respectively.
In the study, Niddeffer's test of attentional and interpersonal styles(TAIS) and Marten’s sport competition anxiety test (SCAT), and whole body reaction time tasks were administered to intercollegeate tennis players(n=14) and golf players(n=15).
The results from the study are flowing.
1. Different attentional styles were found between golf players and tennis players.
2. Reaction times were influenced complexity of the information processing regardless of different type of motor skill.
3. The level of competition anxiety among elite athletes were not differnet across the two sport events.
4. Effective attentional style become ineffective because high competition anxiety tend to influence increment of negative attentioal sub-trait.
5. For the closed skill event like golf, excessive broad and extend attentional style tend to increase while reaction time and high level of competition anxiety had a adverse effect on prompt stimulus identification and discrimination.
6. Excessive external attention style shown by the tennis players slow down stimulus discrimination time, however high competition anxiety level for the tennis players speed up the stimulus identification time.
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A comparative Study on the Mental State between Athletic Students and Ordinary Students 인문 · 사회과학편 : 운동선수와 일반학생의 정신건강 상태에 관한 비교 연구
29(2) 163-169, 1990
A comparative Study on the Mental State between Athletic Students and Ordinary Students 인문 · 사회과학편 : 운동선수와 일반학생의 정신건강 상태에 관한 비교 연구
The purpose of this study was to compare difference in mental health between athletic students who have much experience in sports and ordinary students who have relatively less experience in sports.
120 general senior high school students and 120 athletic senior high school students majoring in various sports were compared in terms of nine subscales of ‘Symptom Check List-90-Revision.’
The restlts revealed that :
Athletic students, in comparison with ordinary students, showed a significantly low scores in somatiza-tion(SOM) (t= 1.97, p<.05) obsessive-compulsive(O-C) (t=4.05, p<.001) interpersonal sensitivity(I-S) (t=-.98, p<.05), depression(DEP) (t= .77, p<.20) anxiety(ANX) (t=2.82, p<.01), hostility(HOS) (t-2.5, p<.01) phobic anxiety(PHOB) (t=2.82, p<.01) paranoic ideation(PAR) (T=2.93, p<0.01), and psychoticism(PSY) (t= 1,98, p<.05) respectively.
The results clearly showed that athletic students are in the better state of mental health in comparison with that of ordinary students, thus strongly suggesting the conclusion that regular physical activity may be conductive to better mental health of the youths.
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The analysis of the factor and level for sport competition anxiety of field and track athletes 인문 · 사회과학편 : 육상선수들의 종목별 스포츠 경쟁불안 수준 및 요인 분석
29(2) 171-177, 1990
The analysis of the factor and level for sport competition anxiety of field and track athletes 인문 · 사회과학편 : 육상선수들의 종목별 스포츠 경쟁불안 수준 및 요인 분석
The purpose of this project is to find the factor and level for sport competition anxiety of and track athletes, The subjects of this study are 66 elite athletes in C province, Who have more than 6 years career and have shown great results in the national contests. Sport competition anxiey test(SCAT) by Martens(1977) was taken to the subjects.
The results of the test are as follows :
1. The competition anxiety level of field athletes was 20.2(±3.0) and that of track athletes was 20.6(±3.2). The competition anxiety level between two groups have no significant difference.
2. The competition anxiety level of elite men athletes was 20.1 (±3.4) and that of elite women athletes was 21.2(±2.7), The competition anxiety level between two groups have no significant difference.
3. The competition anxiety level of short track athletes was 20.8(±3.5) and that of middle and long track athletes 19.5(±3.4), The competition anxiety level between two groups have no significant difference.
4. The greatest factor of sport competition anxiey for field and track athletes was the worring on self-condition and the smallest factor of sport competition anxiety for field and track athletes was the audience effect, Therefore the field and track events ‘coaches are careful to the athletes’ information on sport psychological conditioning for best performance.
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A study on the philosophy of a leisure theory in the Aristotle ; centering around view of the classical leisure 인문 · 사회과학편 : Aristotle 의 레저관에 관한 연구 - 고전적(古典的) 레저를 중심(中心)으로 -
29(2) 179-188, 1990
A study on the philosophy of a leisure theory in the Aristotle ; centering around view of the classical leisure 인문 · 사회과학편 : Aristotle 의 레저관에 관한 연구 - 고전적(古典的) 레저를 중심(中心)으로 -
Aristotle’s view of the classical leisure was not concept of time activity in these days but idea of consciousness.
Aristotle acid that the ideal of leisure was in contemplative life and the final aim of human was in happiness, its just was in leisure.
He asserted that we had have to work for the sake of leisure and war existed for peace, work for leisure.
The classical leisure differs from our thinks now a days, but now we have to develop leisure thought and activity is in harmony with these lifes under Aristotle’s classical leisure philosophy.
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An experimental study on the effect of mental practice through mind control mental Concentrating training 인문 · 사회과학편 : MIND CONTROL 정신집중(精神集中) 훈련(訓練)이 MENTAL PRACTICE 효과(效果)에 미치는 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)
29(2) 189-201, 1990
An experimental study on the effect of mental practice through mind control mental Concentrating training 인문 · 사회과학편 : MIND CONTROL 정신집중(精神集中) 훈련(訓練)이 MENTAL PRACTICE 효과(效果)에 미치는 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)
As a result of mental practice on the six object on the six object groups who became "mentally Concentrated"by meanes of mental Concentrating training device about Running Broad Jump event.
We abtained the Conclusion as follows :
1. The effect of mental practice was meaningfully discovered on the group who made use of the sense of sight and the group who utilized the sense of sight, the auditory sense, and perception in rotation. But in case of the group who utilized only the auditory sense and perception, we didn`t get the Satisfactory effects.
2. We discovered the groups priority of mental practice effect was followed in this order : ① In rotation ② the Sense of sight ③ the auditory Sense ④ the perception.
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The Sport's Massage Treatment's Effect on Fatigue Recovery 인문 · 사회과학편 : SPORT'S MASSAGE 요법(療法)이 피로회복(疲勞回復)에 미치는 영향(影響)
김사엽SaYeopKim , 김판규PanKyuKim
29(2) 203-211, 1990
The Sport's Massage Treatment's Effect on Fatigue Recovery 인문 · 사회과학편 : SPORT'S MASSAGE 요법(療法)이 피로회복(疲勞回復)에 미치는 영향(影響)
김사엽SaYeopKim , 김판규PanKyuKim
The purpose of this study is to clarify how the sport’s massage treatment have an effect upon the fatigue recovery of judo athletes by comparing and analyzing the changes in heart beating and blood presure according to the sport’s massage treatment: before/after the exercise load.
12 judo athletes were chosen as a subject and devided as comparative group and test group, 6 in each group respectively. Sport’s massage treatment was performed to the test group before/after the exercise load, while test measure wasn’t performed to the comparative group. One-way repeated measure and t-inspection were used as the statistics measure.
The results are as follows :
1. In comparative group, the number of heart beating increase right after the exercise load and begin to decrease after 10 minutes.
In test group, the number of heart beating decrease right after the exercise load, begin to increase after 10 minutes and return to the normal slat of heart beating after 30 minutes.
2. In comparative group, high blood pressure increase right after the exercise load and decrease after 10 minutes.
In test group, high blood pressure decteases right after the exercise load, increases after 10 minutes and return to the normal level of high blood pressure. Meanwhile the low blood pressure, in comparative group, increases 10 minutes after the exercise load and decreases to the normal level after 30 minutes, In test group, the low blood pressure decrease right after the exercise load, begin to increase after 10 minutes and reach to the normal state of the low blood pressure.
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IEMG analysis of the antagonistic inhibition in double-joint leg muscles during the simultaneous hip, knee, and ankle joint extesion 자연과학편 : 고관절(股關節) · 슬관절(膝關節) · 거퇴관절(距腿關節)의 신전동작(伸展動作)시 2 - 관절근육(關節筋肉)의 길항작용(拮抗作用) 에 대한 IEMG 분석(分析)
29(2) 215-224, 1990
IEMG analysis of the antagonistic inhibition in double-joint leg muscles during the simultaneous hip, knee, and ankle joint extesion 자연과학편 : 고관절(股關節) · 슬관절(膝關節) · 거퇴관절(距腿關節)의 신전동작(伸展動作)시 2 - 관절근육(關節筋肉)의 길항작용(拮抗作用) 에 대한 IEMG 분석(分析)
The purpose of this study was to elucidate the antagonistic inhibition in double-joint leg muscles ; the Rectus femoris, the Biceps femoris, and the Gastrocnemius, during the simultaneous hip, knee, and ankle joint extension.
Experiments were performed for measuring and analyzing the changes of the %IEMG of double joint leg muscles during voluntary isometric contractions by electromyogram.
The results were as follow :
1. The %IEMG of the Rectus femoris, Biceps femoris, and Gastrocnemius respectively were non-linear relation with the %MVC during the individual knee or hip or ankle joint extension.
2. The %IEMG of the Rectus femoris, Biceps femoris and Gastrocnemius were considerably less than the ones for individual knee or hip or ankle joint extension, in case of the simultaneous hip, knee, and ankle joint extension or hip and knee joint extension.
3. The %IEMG of the Rectus femoris was high than the ones for the simultaneous hip, knee, and ankle joint extension, in case of the simultaneous hip and knee joint extension, but the IEMG of the Biceps femoris was not difference.
Key Words
An Evaluation of Relevancy in the Management of Elementary School Physical Education Curriculum 자연과학편 : 국민학교(國民學校) 체육과(體育科) 교육과정(敎育課程) 운영(運營)의 적절성(適切性) 평가(評價)
An Evaluation of Relevancy in the Management of Elementary School Physical Education Curriculum 자연과학편 : 국민학교(國民學校) 체육과(體育科) 교육과정(敎育課程) 운영(運營)의 적절성(適切性) 평가(評價)
This study was undertaken to explore the effective management plan for elementary school physical education curriculum. In this study the relavancy of elementary school physical education curriculum the appropriateness of content selection and organization, the key role of physical education teacher in activity classes, the loss of classes, facilities and equipment, and other factors related to the management of physical education, were discussed and analyzed. The implications of the study are as follows :
1. The objectives of basic knowledge in the aspects of physical fitness, the enhancement of motor skills, exercise and health are presented in difficult way of achievement. The new understanding and discussion, therefore, of the objectives in physical education and the setting-up and presentation of the objectives in possible way of realization.
2. The contents in psycho-motor domain must be rearranged to be applicable within school curriculum. Swimming, for example, is desirous to be one of student-initiated intramural activities.
3. In terms of the efficiencies of activity classes, exclusively responsible teachers for physical education only is requested as soon as possible.
4. The loss of physical education classes due to the supplementary instructions in other academic disciplines is a serious problem, which is to be strictly managed.
5. The extension of facilities and equipments is, by means of environmental factors, closely related to the outcome of physical education, which asks government and administrative bodies to realize the importance of their major policies.
Key Words
Study about the Energy consumption amount in public and leisure sports 자연과학편 : 대중 및 레져 스포츠 Energy 소모량(消耗量)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
We summarized that total energy metabolism amount per a day and a basic metabolism amount maintain metabolism amount, dynamic metabolism amount in 16 sports items against college students and the graduates of 78, Random Sampling of average weight 62.6㎏, average height 168.3cm, average age 23.6.
1. The basic metabolism amount was belong within the normal, as the result of 42.l㎉/hr/㎡ and B.W.R. % was -8-+22% to the contrary of normal range.
2. Dynamic metabolism amount was measured by 1283.4㎉/hr/㎡, the uppermost in swimming, the lowest in walking showed 93.7㎉/hr/㎡.
3. Average sleeping times was 8 hours in average and the energy consumption average was 566 ㎉.
4. Total metabolism amount per a day was measured by 1.974㎉. from the highest of 2,193㎉ to the lowest of 1,772㎉.
5. Practice time in usual per a day was only 29 minutes in average and the energy consumption amount from it was 166㎉.
6. Usually, in total metabolism amount per a day, the maintain metabolism amount was 1,974 ㎉, the activity metabolism amount was 617㎉ and the dynamic metabolism amount was 166 ㎉, and in all the items 3,033㎉/day(S.D.A 10%) average.
7. Total matabolism amount per a basic surface for a day was measured by 2,828㎉/㎡/day in average and it per a basic weight was 48.3㎉/㎏/day.
Key Words
A Comparative Study of HR, BP and Blood Formed Elements Changes After the Exercise According to Different Style of Free Gymnatics 자연과학편 : 도수체조류형(徒手體操類型)에 따른 운동부하후(運動負荷後) 심박수(心拍數), 혈압(血壓) 및 혈액성분(血液成分) 변화(變化)에 관한 비교연구(比較硏究)(Ⅰ)
전영학YoungHakChun , 고영완YoungWanKo , 조정호JungHoCho
29(2) 263-274, 1990
A Comparative Study of HR, BP and Blood Formed Elements Changes After the Exercise According to Different Style of Free Gymnatics 자연과학편 : 도수체조류형(徒手體操類型)에 따른 운동부하후(運動負荷後) 심박수(心拍數), 혈압(血壓) 및 혈액성분(血液成分) 변화(變化)에 관한 비교연구(比較硏究)(Ⅰ)
전영학YoungHakChun , 고영완YoungWanKo , 조정호JungHoCho
The purpose of this paper is to provide the fundamental data required to improve effective training methods for the athletes and to cultivate healthy citizens. Special group of 24 males were chosen for the experiment to compare HR, BP, WBC, RBC, HB, HCT, and PLT before and after exercises in three different gymnastics. The results can be summarized as follows ;
1. The changes in HR, WBC, RBC, and HB after, exercises were most significant in PT Group, followed by AF Group and then NA Group, (HR : p<0.001, WBC : p<0.001, RBC : p<0.05. HB : p<0.01)
2. PT Group showed slight difference in changes of BP, HCT and PLT after exercises compared to two other groups, however, the result demonstrated that three groups showed no significance.
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The effect of korean folk dance Bongsan Talchum on cardiopulmonary function and body fat 자연과학편 : 봉산탈춤이 체지방 및 심폐기능에 미치는 영향
29(2) 275-287, 1990
The effect of korean folk dance Bongsan Talchum on cardiopulmonary function and body fat 자연과학편 : 봉산탈춤이 체지방 및 심폐기능에 미치는 영향
The result of Analysis about the effect of korean folk dance Bongsan Talchum for 12 weeks with 8 of university women as follows ;
1. The weight is significantly increased(p<0.01).
2. %Fat is decreased by 0.8%, but on the other hand fat is increased by 0.36㎏.
3. The grith of tight is significantly increased(p<0.05).
4. The skin hold thickness of triceps is in significantly decreased (p<0.05).
5. Heart Rate under relax and dancing is significantly decreased(p<0.01).
6. VE-BTPS and Vo₂/㎏ under dancing are significantly decreased(p<0.01).
7. Respiratory Exchange Ration under dancing is significantly decreased(p<0.05).
8) The calory consumption under dancing is 8∼11 ㎉/min.
Key Words
A Longitudinal Study on the Physical Growth of boys and girls in Pusan 자연과학편 : 부산지방학생(釜山地方學生)의 체격발달(體格發達)에 관한 종단적(縱斷的) 비교연구(比較硏究)
29(2) 289-304, 1990
A Longitudinal Study on the Physical Growth of boys and girls in Pusan 자연과학편 : 부산지방학생(釜山地方學生)의 체격발달(體格發達)에 관한 종단적(縱斷的) 비교연구(比較硏究)
1,535 Boys and 1,500 Girls of senior high schools in their third year were chosen in Pusan city for this research tests. Physical growth were examined and analysed longitudinally after the measurement of each student’s body height, body weight, chest of girth and sitting height.
The results were directed as follow ;
1) Body Height
The body height increase from the age of 6(114.49±4.79㎝) to l7(172.12±24.97㎝), took the shape of slow curved "S"as well as for the girls from the age of 6(112.89±4.65㎝) to 17(157.98±5. 25㎝). The maximum annual growing amount occured to the boys by 7.46㎝ between his age of 13 and 14, while the girls by 6.48㎝ between her age of 11 and 12.
In general, the boys grow taller than the girls until the interchange occures between the age groups of 11 and 12.
2) Body Weight
The body weight increase for the boys from the age of 6(19.38±2.33㎏) to 17(59.78±6.62㎏), took the shape of slow curved "S" as well as for the girls from the age of (18.49±2.4㎏) to 17(52. 24±6.32㎏), The maximum annual growing amount occured to the boys by 6.67㎏ between his age of 13 and 14, while the girls by 5.6㎏ between her age of 11 and 12.
In general, the boys grow heavier than the girls until the interchange occures between the age groups of 11 and 12.
3) Chest-Girth
The chest-girth increase for the boys from the age of 6(57.25±3.47㎝) to 17(87.33±6.53㎝), took almost a linear shape as well as for the girls from the age of 6(55.59±2.80㎝) to 17(82.24±5.39㎝). The maximum annual growing amount occured to the body by 4.59㎝ between his age of 13 and 14, while the girls by 4.74㎝ between her age of 11 and 12. The interchange of both sexes occured between the age group of 12 and 13.
4) Sitting Height
The sitting height increase for boys from the age of 6(64.75±2.90㎝) to 17(92.79±4.02㎝) took the slow linear shape as well as for the girls from the age of 6(63.83±2.88㎝) to 17(86.82±3.27㎝) . The maximum annual growing amount occured to the boys by 3.78㎝ between his age of 13 and 14, while the girls by 3.52㎝ between her age of 11 and 12. The interchange of both sexes occured between the age group of 11 and 13.
5) The maximum total growth rate for the boys occured between the age fo 13 and 14, while occuring to the girls between the age of 11 and 12. The girl’s total growth occures two yeas earlier than the boys’.
6) Comparing the value by Pusan city to the Korean national value, and also to the Japanese, the value by Pusan city shows one year-later growth rate of the boys than that the Japanese. In case of the girls, the value of Pusan city shows similar growing amount to that by the Korean national value, however, shows one year-later growth rate than that by the Japanese.
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Effects of Circadian Variation of Autonomic Nerve Activity on Cardiovascular Hemodynamics 자연과학편 : 생체(生體)리듬이 운동시(運動時) 심장(心臟)의 부담도(負擔度)에 미치는 영향(影響) - 조조운동(早朝運動)과 오후운동중(午後運動中)의 혈액동역학(血液動力學)을 중심(中心)으로 -
강희성HiSungKang , 이양근YangKeunRhee , 이권재 , 김선호 , 강길동
29(2) 305-316, 1990
Effects of Circadian Variation of Autonomic Nerve Activity on Cardiovascular Hemodynamics 자연과학편 : 생체(生體)리듬이 운동시(運動時) 심장(心臟)의 부담도(負擔度)에 미치는 영향(影響) - 조조운동(早朝運動)과 오후운동중(午後運動中)의 혈액동역학(血液動力學)을 중심(中心)으로 -
강희성HiSungKang , 이양근YangKeunRhee , 이권재 , 김선호 , 강길동
The purpose of this study was to find out the optimal exercise time zone of a day from the stand point of safety in relation to cardiac load.
Nine healthy male students were studied. They underwent treadmill exercise with Bruce Protocol, Blood samples were obtained at rest and immediately after exercise for analyzing hematocrit and hormones.
Heart Rate(HR) and blood pressure were measured at test and every three minutes during exercise. Double Product(DP) was calculated by the product of HR and systolic blood pressure (SBP). Exercise was performed at three different time zones, in the early morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening, respectovely.
1. HR ratios, indicating the resting value with I, during exercise were significantly higher in the early morning than in the afternoon and evening. But there was no significant difference in SBP.
2. DP ratios, indicating the resting value with I, were almost the same in the three exercise time zones, but significantly higher during intensive exercise in the early morning than in the other exercise time zones.
3. The level of plasma cotisol concentration was higher in the early morning than in the other exercise time zones, and increased after exercise in the early morning but not changed in the other cases.
It is concluded that persons who especially have small reserve capacity of cardiac function may take a larger cardiac load by intensive exercise in the early morning.
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A study on the recovery rate of Heart rate, Vo2max and blood lactic acid of sprinter, middle distance runner and Long distance runner after maximal exercise loading 자연과학편 : 육상 단 · 중 · 장거리 선수들의 최대운동부하후 회복능력에 관한 연구
유창재ChangJaeYoo , 양정옥JeongOkYang
29(2) 317-330, 1990
A study on the recovery rate of Heart rate, Vo2max and blood lactic acid of sprinter, middle distance runner and Long distance runner after maximal exercise loading 자연과학편 : 육상 단 · 중 · 장거리 선수들의 최대운동부하후 회복능력에 관한 연구
유창재ChangJaeYoo , 양정옥JeongOkYang
The purpose of this study was to investigate the recovery rate of heart rate, V˙o₂max blood lactic acid concentration of Male sprinter, middle distance runner and Long distance runner of pusan national university, Dong a university in pusan and foreign language university.
The subjects employed were 4 of sprinter, 3 of middle distance runner. 4 of Long distance runner.
1. Results of recovery rate of Heart rate after maximal exercise loading. HR recovery rate at 30min of sprinter groups was 97.52±0.70% (P<0.05), middle distance runner groups was 99.17±0.42% (P<0.05) and Long distance runner groups was 99.73±0.40 (P<0.05).
2. Results of recovery rate of Vo₂max after maximal exercise loading. V˙o₂max recovery rate at 30min of sprinter groups was 97.52±0.70%(P<0.05), middle distance runner groups was 99.17±0.42%(p<0.05) and Long distance runner groups was 99.73±0.40%(p<0.05).
3. Results of recovery rate of blood lactic acid after maximal load test. blood lactate recovery rate at 20min of sprinter groups was 41.11±12.52%(P>0.05), middle distance runner groups was 44.64±16.11%(p>0.05) and Long distance runner groups was 48.20±3.29% (P<0.05).
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A study on the physique, physical Fitness and cardiorespiratory Function in Manhood and older Adults 자연과학편 : 장(長) · 노년(老年)의 체격(體格)과 체력(體力) 및 호흡순환기능(呼吸循環機能)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
29(2) 331-336, 1990
A study on the physique, physical Fitness and cardiorespiratory Function in Manhood and older Adults 자연과학편 : 장(長) · 노년(老年)의 체격(體格)과 체력(體力) 및 호흡순환기능(呼吸循環機能)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference between sports Group and Non sports Group on the physique, physical Fitness and cardiorespiratory function in Manbood and older adults.
The subjects of this study are selected from chollabuk Do (Cho-Ju, I-Ri, Kun-Sun) adults of 589 persons(the fifties∼the seventies)
The conclusion are as follows ;
1. In physique, the standing height of S.G. showed 2.2㎝ higher than that of non-S.G. in the sixties and 0.4㎝ higher in the seventies. S.G showed 3.6㎏ higher than Non-S.G. in Body Weight and about 10mm higher in Abdomen Skinfold.
2. In physical Fitness, S.G. of the sixties showed 7㎏ higher than Non-S.G. in group strength, and about 10㎏ higher in the fifties and about 20㎏ higher in the sixties and the seventies on back strength. Non-S.G. showed minus value in the sixties and S.G. plus value in the seventies on Trunk Flexion.
3. In Cardiorespiratory Function, S.G showed about 500㏄ higher than Non-S.G. on Vital capacity in the sixties and about 9 times per sec. higher in the sixties and about 5 times per sec, higher in the seventies on pulse rate.
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A study on the Comparison and analysis of the formation of the Ⅲ parallel-bars in the Gymnastics Competition '90 Beijing XI Asian Games 자연과학편 : 제(第)11회(回) 아시아 경기대회(競技大會) 체조경기(體操競技) 평행봉(平行棒) 자유종목(自由種目)의 구성내용(構成內容)에 관(關)한 비교(比較) 분석(分析)
29(2) 337-347, 1990
A study on the Comparison and analysis of the formation of the Ⅲ parallel-bars in the Gymnastics Competition '90 Beijing XI Asian Games 자연과학편 : 제(第)11회(回) 아시아 경기대회(競技大會) 체조경기(體操競技) 평행봉(平行棒) 자유종목(自由種目)의 구성내용(構成內容)에 관(關)한 비교(比較) 분석(分析)
The purpose of this study was to analyze the results of 8 players’ performances who took part in the parallel-bars finals. Above-Mentions 8 members(2from Korea, 2from CHN, 2from JPN, 2from PRK) were among the 45 players participating in gymnastics competitions of 1990 Beijing XI Asian Games. The results were as follows :
A, The Degree of Difficulty and Formation of Performance
1. In ascending performance, they showed 67.5% of C degree and 37.5% of D degree of difficulty.
2. During the performance, they showed 24.3% of A, 18.6% of B, 32.9% of C, 24.3% of D degree of difficulty. Degree (forward swing half-twesting to handsatand on the parallel bars) was practiced 12 times (17.1%) during the total skills being practiced 70 times, and it was practiced most frequently.
3. In landing performance, they showed 50% of C and 50% of D degree of difficulty.
B. Performance and Bonus Score
1. When the performances were finished, L.J.H. (Korea) and G.L.Y, (CHN) who were in the first rank scored 97.93% and received less cut in points, while L.S.H. (PRK) who was in the 8 th rank scored 92.05% and showed poor results.
2. The factors of the loss of points chiefly resulted from the process of connecting(C+D) degree and (D+D) degree, and from the process of landing.
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The effects of fast weight reduction on the cardiorespiratory function andaerobic capacity 자연과학편 : 태권도선수(跆拳道選手)의 급속감량(急速減量)이 호흡순환계(呼吸循環系) 기능(機能)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
최영렬YoungRyulChoi , 선우섭SubSunoo
29(2) 349-366, 1990
The effects of fast weight reduction on the cardiorespiratory function andaerobic capacity 자연과학편 : 태권도선수(跆拳道選手)의 급속감량(急速減量)이 호흡순환계(呼吸循環系) 기능(機能)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
최영렬YoungRyulChoi , 선우섭SubSunoo
Six, highly trained male college taekwondo athletes were studied after the nine days of fast weight reduction program using diet control, exercise, and perspiration in an attempt to determine the effects of weight reduction on cardio-respiratory function and aerobic capacity. The LBM reduction percentage was averaged to 39% of the total weight reduction. The precent fat decreased 30%, and the body fat also decreased 57% in the suprailiac part. The grip strength was unaffected, although back strength was increased 21% after the weight reduction. Trunk flexion decreased 5%, whereas trunk extension was barely increased. The heart rate was decreased 10 beats/min during the bicycle ergometer submaximal exercise, and VO₂ max, VE and HLa accumulation were significantly decreased during the maximal exercise. The blood glucose values were increased during the maximal exercise, and total protein values were also increased 21% and 13% during the rest period and maximal exercise respectively. MCH and MCHC increased from 4% to 11%. In conclusion 9 percent of fast weight: reduction was belived to decrease the cardiorespiratory function and aerobic capacity due to the reduction of Hb and blood corpuscules.
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A Kinematic Analysis of TKATCHEV Motion after stalder to Support from Handstand in the Parallel Bars 자연과학편 : 평행봉의 물구나무선 자세에서 쳐져 오른 후 TKATCHEV 동작의 Kinematic 분석
A Kinematic Analysis of TKATCHEV Motion after stalder to Support from Handstand in the Parallel Bars 자연과학편 : 평행봉의 물구나무선 자세에서 쳐져 오른 후 TKATCHEV 동작의 Kinematic 분석
The purpose of this study was to identify which cause the weak point in TKATCHEV motion after stalder to support from handstand in the parallel bars.
The subjects were 4 male gymnasts who were the members of the national representative gymnastic team of Korea. The motions of analysis were filmed using 16㎜ high speed camera at 64 frames per second.
The analysis of the data showed the following results.
1. A forward movement the position of hand touchdown of TKATCHEV motion results a imperfect motion.
2. An unsmooth movement of COG from the 1st phase to the 2nd phase gives bad influence to the next phase.
3. A big shoulder angle at the 4th phase gives good influence to the next motion(TKATCHEV).
4. A small hip angle from the 2nd phase to the 3rd phase and 4th phase and the big hip angle from the 4th phase to the 5th phase give good influences to the whole motion.
5. A shorter active time from the 2nd phase to the 3rd phase and the longer active time from the 3rd phase to the 5th phase give good influences to the whole motion.
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Analysis of the EMG Signal on Joint Angle during Push-Up Exercise 자연과학편 : Push - Up 운동시(運動時) 주관절(肘關節) 각도별(角度別) EMG 신호(信號) 분석(分析)
김종훈JongHoonKim , 차광석KwangSukCha , 김원중WonJungKim
29(2) 381-389, 1990
Analysis of the EMG Signal on Joint Angle during Push-Up Exercise 자연과학편 : Push - Up 운동시(運動時) 주관절(肘關節) 각도별(角度別) EMG 신호(信號) 분석(分析)
김종훈JongHoonKim , 차광석KwangSukCha , 김원중WonJungKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the results of computer simulation associated with the various joint angles(45˚, 90˚, 135˚ ) during push-up exercise.
1. EMG signal amplitude of M. Deltoideus and M. Biceps Brachii indicated maximum values at 90 degrees in angle of the elbowjoint.
2. EMG signal amplitude of M. Pectoralis major indicated minimun values at 45 degrees in angle of the elbow joint.
3. Main muscles during push-up exercise were M. Deltoideus and M. Triceps Brachii.
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A Study on the Sport's Massage Therapy that Effection of Moter Nerve Condition Velocity 자연과학편 : SPORT'S MASSAGE 전(前) · 후(後) 운동신경(運動神經) 전도속도(傳導速度) 비교연구(比較硏究) - 남자(男子) 태권도(跆拳道) 선수(選手)를 대상(對象)으로 -
29(2) 391-399, 1990
A Study on the Sport's Massage Therapy that Effection of Moter Nerve Condition Velocity 자연과학편 : SPORT'S MASSAGE 전(前) · 후(後) 운동신경(運動神經) 전도속도(傳導速度) 비교연구(比較硏究) - 남자(男子) 태권도(跆拳道) 선수(選手)를 대상(對象)으로 -
The study lies in the purpose of comming by the knowledge for the sport’s massage about being expected to the physical control and the injure of sport’s man, having the strong doubt about motor nerve condition velocity in sport’s massage. I selected the 10 man TaeKwando atheletes for the purpose of the objects of studying sport’s massage and analyzed the material that I made. Use of examination instruments and computer at the Electronic Musde Chamber of H college Hospital.
The Result Follows ;
1. Moter nerve conduction velocity of the part’s between hands and shoulders, the case of Ulnar nerve, is more fast after the sport’s massage than before the sport’s massage both right and left.
2. Moter nerve conduction velocity of the part’s between hands and shoulders, in the case of Median nerve, is more fast after the sport’s massage than before the sport’s massage both right and left.
3. Moter nerve conduction velocity of the legs in the case of peronel nerve is more fast after the sport’s massage than before the sport’s massage both right and left.
4. Moter nerve conduction velocity of legs, in the case of Tibial nerve, is more fast after the sport’s. massage than before the sport’s massage both right and left.
The fore it showed more great distinctions on the therapy skill of sport’s after than before the short’s massage, Effleurage stroke, patrissage kneeding and friction compression, the mutual hand skills, turned out the major causes about the change of moter nerve conduction velocity.